Elf Owl In the City

We have been on the move a lot in the last several months from our home base here in McAllen.  I travelled up to Central and East Texas early last month and we have been back and forth to the ranch in Raymondville, Texas multiple times. I suspect I missed the winter migration of raptors this year, but I’ve seen plenty of natives like the kiskadee. One large male has been hanging out at our house, by the porch swing, out the kitchen window.

At the ranch we have seen Green Jays, Kingfishers, Vermillion Flycatchers, a large flock of posturing Turkey Vultures, and Wild Turkeys.  I also encountered a couple of birds that I have yet to identify: a small warbler with a stark black tail, and a sparrow sized bird with a bright red breast, almost as bright as the Vermillion Flycatcher.  

But tonight, my son and I had the best sighting yet, a Elf Owl!  We were sitting on the front porch and it was well after dark when my son thought he saw a bat. It landed in the tree 3 feet from us and I could tell it was too big for a bat.  Then my son said that perhaps it was on owl and my reply was, “It’s too small to be an owl.”  It flew off into our large century oak and we grabbed the flashlight and tracked him.  Again, we got within a few feet and it sat and posed for us for ten minutes or more.  I am not positive of that ID, it could have been an Pygmy Owl.


Photo By Charles Melton


I have also been grappling with the yearly task of finding a vacation rental in Texas where my entire family can spend the holidays — we do this every year in a central location. UGH!  It is not always easy to find the proper accommodations when you travel and certainly traveling for birding and other naturalist activities, which are often in remote locals, can be a serious and often frustrating endeavor.


That is why I’ve listed my house as a birding destination. 

We are located in an area flush with natural parks and native habitat

and the room that I let to birders is so much better than an ordinary hotel, it cost way less and

we actual have birding onsite.


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