Tag Archives: spring

Red-Crowned Parrots and Just for You Richard, Just for You

We had a McAllen Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Contest winner in last week for birding and try as he might, he never saw the Red-Crowned Parrots — most notably the nesting pair in my backyard — or the ubigutous Green Parakeets.  This is genuinely an odd occurs, to bird South Texas and not see these species.


My husband, Oscar Gomez took these pictures just a few days after our guest left.  


Sorry Richard.  Maybe next time!

The Two Screeches!

We have been seeing a pair of Screech Owls for several months now.

I had them pegged as Western, my guest thinks Eastern, IDK.  I’m starting to think they might be nesting nearby. We have managed to take some decent photos with a flashlight and a point and shoot.

After my last guest’s visit, I think they (the Two Screeches) feel at home here.  I am so pleased to host them. 


While We Wait For Spring




William Blake (1783)



O thou with dewy locks, who lookest down

Through the clear windows of the morning, turn

Thine angel eyes upon our western isle,

Which in full choir hails thy approach, O Spring!


The hills tell one another, and the listening

Valleys hear; all our longing eyes are turn’d

Up to thy bright pavilions: issue forth

And let thy holy feet visit our clime!


Come o’er the eastern hills, and let our winds

Kiss thy perfumèd garments; let us taste

Thy morn and evening breath; scatter thy pearls

Upon our lovesick land that mourns for thee.


O deck her forth with thy fair fingers; pour

Thy soft kisses on her bosom; and put

Thy golden crown upon her languish’d head,

Whose modest tresses are bound up for thee.

And some random other shots …

